Canceled Orders and Refund Processing Fees
Refunds will be handled on a case by case basis. Please refer to the refunds and exchanges page for more details.
*** All canceled orders and refunds will be incur a processing fee of 3.5% of the total charges +.30 cents.
(for example: a full refund on an order you were charged $10 for would have a refund amount of $9.35
( a total of .65 is subtracted for the processing fee $10 x 3.5% = .35 + .30)
This fee may be labeled as Restocking Fee / Handling Fee / Processing Fee / Canceled Order Fee / Refund Fee or other similar labels. This fee may be split into two different fee entries as well that will total the same amount as if it was a single fee.
You can opt for your items to be exchanged for a store credit instead of a refund or cancelation to avoid the processing fees. Once you opt for store credit or a gift card you can no longer select a cash refund.
Store Credit is good for 1 year from the date it is initially applied to the account. Store credit can not be exchanged for a cash refund only for other store credit.